LEYGATECH has chosen to be ISCC Plus certified!
Thanks to this voluntary initiative, LEYGATECH is the first French extruder to obtain this certification, enabling us to deploy our solutions for sourcing bio-based raw materials or from chemical recycling.
By obtaining this certificate, our company demonstrates that we comply with ISCC Plus requirements on production of bio-sourced materials and traceability of their origin.
It also reinforces LEYGATECH’s approach to social responsibility and to promote circular economy.
LEYGATECH is ready to start a real circular economy with and for packaging for food markets!
Head office and production site:
1, ZA de Chambaud
43620 St Romain Lachalm – FRANCE
+33(0)4 71 75 11 80
Production site:
ZA de Lavée – 43200 Yssingeaux – FRANCE
+33(0)4 71 75 11 80