
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is responsible for the risk assessment of foodstuffs.
Its various groups provide scientific opinions to the European Parliament and the European Commission, as well as to EU member states, so that they can decide on authorisations, bans or monitoring.

ECHA: the European Chemical Agency plays a central role among regulatory authorities in implementing EU legislation on chemicals. Its work is organised around several tasks, including the following:
- REACH: Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals
- CLP: Classification, Labelling and Packaging
- BPR: Biocidal Product Regulation
- POPs: Persistent Organic Pollutants regulation

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) carries out monitoring, expertise, research and reference missions on human, animal and plant health. It assesses risks (chemical, biological, physical, etc.) to which an individual may be exposed at all ages and at all times of his life, whether it be exposure at work, during transport, during leisure activities, or through food.
ANSES also assesses efficacy and risks of veterinary medicines, phytopharmaceutical products, fertilizers, crop carriers and their adjuvants, as well as biocides, in order to issue marketing authorizations.
It also carries out chemical product assessments in accordance with REACH regulations....